5 Must-Have Tips For Success In Goal Setting

I’m not sure why being an equestrian and being a dreamer tend to go hand in hand, but they sure do.

And where there are dreams and go-getters (also 99% of equestrians), there are goals to be achieved. However, sometimes it’s easy to get stuck in a rut when your goals feel a little bit out of this world.

One of my goals is to help inspire others to believe in themselves and to feel worthy to work towards their goals. That’s why I created a list of my 5 Must-Have Tips For Success In Goal Setting.

5 Must Haves For Goal Setting Success

#1 - It HAS to be YOUR Goal

#2 - Know Your WHY

#3 - Have SMART Goals

#4 - Write Down Your Goals

#5 - View Your Goals Daily

#1 - It HAS to be YOUR Goal

“You're a great rider, you should give lessons.” 

“You need an office job for a large company because you can make a lot of money, and horses are expensive.” 

“That show circuit would be easier, you should show there for a quicker win.” 

And my all-time favorite - “You should become a vet to save money on vet bills.”

Raise your hand if you’ve heard these before. I know I have! 

These phrases often come from friends, family, or mentors you admire, not just from casual conversations with acquaintances who have no idea that you faint at the sight of blood or that the thought of working in a cubicle makes you want to stab your eyes out.

Like anything else, if you hear an idea repeatedly, it’s easy to start letting it seep into your subconscious mind. Maybe you should consider that unforeseen path, after all just maybe that person knows more about the real world than you.

It’s very easy for the waters to get muddy between what is really your voice, and what is influenced from the outside. So how do you know if a goal is yours or someone else's?

I believe that you’ll know when a goal is truly coming from your soul when you cannot stop thinking about it every day, oftentimes for months, even years. If it only comes to mind when someone else mentions it or if you’re in a moment of panic, then it’s not truly your desire.

No matter what path, discipline, career choice, or goals you set, you will face some HARD and CHALLENGING times working towards them.

If you try working towards a big goal that truly isn’t in your heart, you will be complacent on the good days, and absolutely miserable on the hard days. But if your desires and goals truly come from your heart and soul, nothing, and I mean nothing, will ever be a permanent obstacle if you don’t allow it to be.

When a goal truly aligns with your passions, values, and vision, then and only then can you achieve true fulfillment and continue to produce the drive needed to overcome any obstacles you may face. 

You WILL find a way.

#2 - Know Your WHY

When you’re working towards a goal and you feel that you’re getting pulled into a hundred different directions, how do you know what to do next?

How many times have you had a rough interaction that has you wanting to bang your head against the wall and ask yourselves what was I thinking? Why am I doing this to myself?!

How many times have you stared at the white flag and thought to yourself, should I just quit? I gave it a go and it’s probably just not meant to be. The motivation just isn’t there anymore.

There is a secret weapon for this, it’s called having a strong why. 

What is your Why?

Your Why is knowing the true underlying reason that you have this goal in the first place. 

It can help you understand your motivations, provide authentic clarity on where you’re headed, and serve as a way to help measure if you’re moving in the right direction. 

My favorite quote about your why comes from Dean Graziosi, “There may not be a more powerful motivating factor on the planet than knowing your true ‘why’. When you know; in your soul, why you get up every morning and fight for your dreams, you’ll never let anything get in your way of becoming the person you are meant to be.” 

If you need help finding your why, don’t worry! Soon I will be posting on how to find your why!

#3 - Have SMART Goals

Specific- You need to be specifically clear on what it is you exactly want, or else you will keep getting distracted by the next shiny thing, never reaching your goal.

Measurable- You HAVE to be able to measure progress, or else you will lose motivation over time. This will lead you to give up altogether. 

A common false belief is you need to become motivated in order to take action. When in fact, motivation only comes AFTER taking action and seeing progress. Discipline is what you need in the beginning to get started. 

It doesn’t matter what it is, find a way to measure it! You’ll need this to keep the ball rolling.

Attainable- Be realistic when setting goals, while still stretching your boundaries, or else no amount of motivation will keep you moving forward because subconsciously the goal will feel impossible and discourage any and all growth.

Having attainable goals will help you to build confidence in yourself during this journey as you start to see success when checking off the boxes and making actual progress towards your big goal. 

Relevant- Does this goal matter to YOU? Is it applicable to your life’s purpose right now? 

You may have dreams of competing at a world show, but if you’re in a season of life where you’re prioritizing building a family or a career and don’t even currently own a horse or can ride more than once a week, then no matter how much you dream about it, the timing just won’t be there. (And that’s ok).

That doesn’t mean that there isn’t other, smaller, stepping-stone goals that you can set and work towards that will still help you make a little progress toward that long-term goal when the time is right. 

Timed- Wishes and dreams do not have an end date, but goals do. Having an end date is our scale to measure progress and keep us on task.

Without this, it becomes very easy for life’s squeaky wheels to take our attention away.

#4 - Write Down Your Goals

The #1 key to any goal setting is to write down what your goals are. Not only will you be able to hold yourself more accountable, but you can be more consistent in knowing exactly what you’re working towards.

According to Reliable Planet, “80% of people do not set goals for themselves. For that 20% of people who are setting goals, only 30% of them will succeed.” 

Why is that? Well, a study done on business professionals by Dr. Gail Matthews, a psychology professor at Dominican University in California found that “You are 42% more likely to achieve your goals just by writing them down.”

Big goals are going to be hard enough as it is, so why not write them down to give yourself every chance of success possible? 

#5 - View Your Goals Daily

And the icing on the cake for goal setting… you need to view your goals daily!

I’m talking about plastering your goals in front of your face where you can see them daily. Talk to them and believe them into existence. 

Every time you walk by and see them say to yourself, “Hey you! Guess what I’m doing today to get one step closer!”

Having your goals written down somewhere that you will see them multiple times a day, every day, will help align your daily actions with your long-term objectives, ensuring that every step you take is purposeful and deliberate. 

When you see your daily habits aligning for more and more small wins, it’s easier to measure progress, which in turn continues to increase your confidence and motivation. 

There are many creative and enjoyable ways to display your goals, and no single method is better than another. Do what works for you. 

Some include Vision boards, sticky notes, digital goal trackers, writing them out, bubble maps, Pinterest boards, etc. 

They can be displayed on everything from your bedroom wall, the mirror in your bathroom, the screensaver on your phone or computer, to the whiteboard in your kitchen or office. 

I love bubble maps and displaying them in my kitchen where I spend the most time throughout the day.

I hope these 5 tips will help you have the confidence to get started. As a bonus tip: If your goals change over time, that’s OKAY! Tweak them and move forward. Evolution is a good thing for humans!

You got this!


Whoa Means Whoa!


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